
How can I make payment?

  Please use bank transfers inside Japan.  Credit card payments are not accepted.

How soon can I start using the service after I sign up for a  subscription?

  Registration will be complete about

Can I share my access rights?

  No, access rights cannot be shared.

Can you issue multiple user IDs?

  Only 1 User ID per subscription will be issued.

How do I make notification of a change of name or address?

  Contact us using the Inquiry Form or by FAX.

How do I make notification of a change of name or address?

  Contact us using the Inquiry Form or by FAX.

How do I cancel my subscription

  Please contact us. This subscription will be renewed automatically.
  Please notify us in advance if you discontinue reading The Fudousan Keizai Weekly.

I forgot my password/user ID.

  Use the Inquiry Form to contact us.

I cannot login.

  Unless cookies are enabled, you cannot login.
  If cookies are disabled on your browser, you cannot login. Please change the setting to enable cookies.

  Internet Explorer version 6.x
  •    1. From the Tools menu, select Internet Options.
  •    2. Choose the 'Privacy' tab and click 'Advanced'.
  •    3. Tick the 'Override automatic cookie handling' tickbox.
  •    4. Enable the 'First Party' cookies by choosing 'Accept' or 'Prompt'
  •    5. Enable the 'Third Party' cookies by choosing 'Accept' or 'Prompt'
  •    6. Enable 'Always allow session cookies'
  •    7. Click 'OK'

  Internet Explorer version 5.x
  •    1. From the Tools menu, select Internet Options.
  •    2. Select 'Security' tab and click 'Custom Level'.
  •    3. Scroll down to the Cookies section and under 'Cookies', enable both 'stored' and 'per session'.
  •    4. Click 'OK'.